Data Security

5 Data Security Platform Advances To Know About

rectangle Written by: Anne Gotay rectangle 2 5 min read

Data security platforms have been widely adopted during the last several years due to the management simplicity they provide over deploying numerous siloed security tools. The right data security platform can help security teams consolidate point data security products to help reduce costs and gain more control over all data security programs.

The challenge for IT security professionals is choosing the right data security platform to meet their organization’s data security requirements. There are several data security platforms on the market that on the surface sound very much alike, but really are quite different.

Here are five recent data security advances you will want to know about as your organization evaluates data security platforms.

5 Data Security Platform Advances

  1. Single-pane data security management
  2. Holistic data security
  3. Real-time anomaly detection at the data level
  4. Data in use encryption
  5. Cloud key management

Let’s take a look at each of these in a bit more detail. For a deeper dive, we invite you to download this data security platform white paper.

  1. Single-Pane Data Security Management

With IT security’s first data security fabric, your security team can consolidate all of your organization’s data instances, applications and security products into one unified data security environment with governance, auditability, visibility, and control via a single pane.

  1. Data In Use Encryption

Data in use encryption is a patented technology that keeps data encrypted while it is in use, as well as in motion and at rest. By keeping data encrypted while in use, your organization can transmit, share and use data rapidly and securely without restricting users.

  1. Holistic Data Security

Data in use encryption enables a truly holistic approach to data security by:

  • Securing data wherever it resides: cloud, on premise, the edge, hybrid.
  • Protecting any data asset: relational database, unstructured, semi-structured, structured.
  • Protecting data across the lifecycle: data in use, data in motion, data at rest.
  1. Real-Time Anomaly Detection at the Data Level

Two significant anomaly detection advances enable organizations to more effectively protect sensitive data and provide more granular ransomware protection.

  • Real-time anomaly detection employs more advanced machine learning that recognizes and blocks intruders in real time before unauthorized access is granted and a breach occurs.
  • Anomaly detection at the data level protects the actual assets that are the targets of malicious actors – the data. Granular access settings enable you to allow or restrict access and choose selective encryption for fields, rows, or parts of a dataset.
  1. Cloud Data Security

New cloud data security capabilities enable your organization to realize the benefits of moving data off premise without the security risk.

  • Data in motion encryption secures data while in transit to the cloud.
  • Cloud-native data security that keeps data encrypted at all times – even while it’s being used.
  • Encryption key management where only you, not the cloud services provider, own the encryption keys.

Data security platforms have helped security organizations streamline their data security stacks and simplify data security management. These advances take data security to an even higher level by delivering an even more comprehensive approach to data security.

We invite you to learn more, contact us to learn about these data security platform advances and the Sotero zero trust data security platform.


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